Alexandre Bavard is based in Paris, France and is a Alumni of École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts de Lyon. Alexandre Bavard can be seen as a playwright, and performer, all in one. His work expands from fine art sculpture, prints, and paintings into video, music and dance. Bavard creates various worlds influenced by his Georgian roots, science fiction, and for the need of escapism and discovery. Bavard is interested in creating a visual language, a form of expression that transcends any specific medium, and is fueled by repetition, movement, and flow. His broad range of works are tied by the theme of a post-urban world, meaningful artifacts of a past utopia that its significance has long been lost and repurposed as rarity and artifact. Bavard has titled this series, Neo-Archelogia, which refers to his process of casting the shape or transferring the impression of these found artifacts into sculptures and prints. Pablo de Pinho
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The vacant lots are like vestiges, they constitute our contemporary archeology, the transition between two temporalities, between two civilizational existences. What remains of our forgetfulness? Everyday objects, decrepit wallpaper, steel rods rising from cinderblock, as many clues, spectrums, tracks to reconstruct. The calm, hovering, mysterious, virgin of all presence. This is to highlight the «supernaturation» of these remains. Faced with the finds of a distant past, the Romans adopted a singular attitude. As P. Jockey evokes, in his book, archeology: «They ignored what were these objects – that is, objects created by the hand of man – rather lending them a over-natural origin.» This is the case, for example, of «fulmini stones» or «thunder stones», simple tools or weapons of the Stone Age which for the Roman emperor Galba, became an omen for his destiny as emperor. What power can we give to the artifacts around us? The «supernaturalistaion» also inhabits the adoration of relics, bones, and other remains. Man needs to give meaning to his origins. The Neo-Archeologia sculpture series is anchored in this thought: «Relics of a future or forgotten past. Found after a search, in a vacant lot. The perceptible radioactivity. Clusters of different objects coming out of the ground, agglomerating with each other».